Young people start summer holidays with voluntary community clean-up

Big-hearted young people have begun their school holidays with a volunteer clean-up of the local community.
Working as a team, our Compassion in Action Community Champions picked up litter and brushed the streets as part of our ‘Love Where You Live’ initiative.
“I would like to congratulate our wonderful young people – Jasmine, Amelia and Maggie – on a job well done,” said our Chief Executive, Pam Gilligan.
“There are no problems, only solutions. By providing adult supervision and the necessary tools, we want to empower children to pick up a brush or piece of litter and take pride in living in clean, safe spaces.
‘I am so proud of what these amazing girls have chosen to do with their precious holiday time, and I hope the example they have set will inspire other junior residents to ‘Love Where They Live’.”