Leigh ladies’ luncheon marks International Women’s Day 2023

Compassion in Action (CIA) has marked International Women’s Day 2023 (8 March) by hosting members of Leigh Ladies’ Luncheon Club at Patrick House.
More than 15 members – including Events Coordinator Margaret Worsley – gathered alongside the charity’s female staff in our function room, which was decorated in the Suffragette colours of purple, white and green.
Their show of unity honoured a day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women across the world.
Following a complimentary roast dinner and trifle, prepared by CIA’s catering team, our special guests were joined by charity CEO Pam Gilligan to reflect upon the significance of the awareness day.
Pam said: “We’re all here together because we want to celebrate International Women’s Day with you; it is your day today. We thank you so much for coming to Patrick House month on month, year on year – and anything you need from us, we are always here for you, just like our veterans and other groups that come in. You do mean so much to us, and we thank you for your support each and every month, as well as everything else that you do for the charity.
‘We’re in really bad times for the people, for ourselves, for our families and for the community. This is where unity comes in. Together, we can make a difference by going out today and leaving a heart print of love in someone else’s life – even just a smile of encouragement – knowing how much that will mean to that person.”
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity, which is designed to get the world talking about: Why equal opportunities aren’t enough. ‘People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action’, state the awareness day organisers.