The Queen's Award Platinum Jubilee Official Supporter 2022
01942 262636
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

“Everyone’s talking about the Community Outlet!”


We are very pleased that local residents have taken the time to visit and give positive feedback on our new Community Outlet, based at Oaklands Road, Lowton.

Residents have kindly left the comments below

“I never leave empty handed, the prices are fantastic, I get the bus every week to come and have a browse and a chat” says Mrs Wilkinson, who travels to our outlet weekly to grab our latest ‘Deals of the week’

“This isn’t a charity shop! This is our shop! Everyone’s talking about it, we love it! Thank you very much Compassion in Action, Keith and all the staff!”

Mrs Harrin, Lowton Resident

“I love this shop, especially the flower power, the plants are great”

Angela, Lowton Resident
